URL: https://apis.examroom.ai/api/AddCandidates
NOTE: API Key & secrete will be provided by us which will be used for all the API’s For updating any value in the database will only take Exam candidate ID or Examroom Exam ID You can add multiple arrays for adding the candidates or a single candidate
"apiKey": "enter your apiKey",
"secretKey": "enter your secretKey",
"candidateId": "123345671",// YOUR DATABASE ID (not compulsory) can be empty
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"addressLine1": "test",
"addressLine2": "Test",
"city": "Bangalore",
"stateCode": "00709",
"postalCode": "00709",
"countryCode": "+1",
"mobileTelephoneNumber": "1234567892",
"telephoneNumber": null,
"emailAddress": "test@abc.com",
"gropID": 12345,// can be empty YOUR DATABASE ID FOR THE GRUOP
"groupName": "JohnDoeTestGroup" // any new group or existing groupName
"candidateId": "123345671",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"addressLine1": "test",
"addressLine2": "Test",
"city": "Bangalore",
"stateCode": "007",
"postalCode": "007",
"countryCode": "91",
"mobileTelephoneNumber": "1234567892",
"telephoneNumber": null,
"emailAddress": "test@abc.com",
"gropID": 12345,
"groupName": "JohnDoeTestGroup"
"records": [
"CandidateID": 15065, // this id will be our candidate ID in case you want to store for future reference
"Result": "1",
"Message": "Candidate Inserted successfully",
"CandidateID": 0,
"Result": "0",
"Message": "Candidate Already Exists",